senior healthcare

We Talk About Senior Healthcare

(updated April, 2021)

We 60s Folks need to have more than just a cursory understanding of our health and what to do to restore and retain it.  Sure we need to trust our doctors.  The truth is it is difficult to get advice from the docs without being charged for their time and whatever else they want to flog on us.

In fact, it is difficult to find a doctor who truly wants to listen to us.  Mostly they just order tests to tell them what is wrong.  We are the number one source of knowledge about our bodies and how they are functioning.  We have many years experience with our bodies.

Further, whenever we sit down with other others, the topics of health and senior healthcare most often surface.

We have been given more medications than any generation.  What do we really know about the meds. the healer in white wants us to take?  Were do we get advice?

senior healthcare forums

We’ve lived long enough to see a medication touted as a God send.  Then, see it taken of the market a year later because it has done more harm than good.   There are also more senior healthcare treatments for each diseases than there has ever been.  How do we know the right one for us?

We cannot afford to believe, much less trust, all of our health input to one person, no matter how qualified he or she might be.  How do we get more than one opinion?

Social Media (you know blogs, facebook, twitter and the like) offer us an excellent widow into communities of patients and medical professionals who have experience to share concerning all medications, treatments, and preventative healthcare regimes. Look through them.  I predict you will find some social media communities that are discussing something of great interest to you.

Here are some sites specifically dedicated to Senior Health and Senior Healthcare.  Take a look at them.  They are all free.  Some may require you to select a username and password.  Choose a couple and interact with fellow seniors concerning on your most important concerns – Senior Healthcare.

Patient – Senior Health Community

There are more than 30 senior health braod-range senior healthcare discussion groups here.  Each having dozens to  thousands of specific forums.  Tens of thousand of participants.

Any condition from Alzheimer’s Disease and arthritis to kidney failure and stroke and TIA.

These are discussed by patients and a select group of very helpful doctors and physician’s assistants.

SeniorForums.COM – Health

This forum is for members to discuss serious health concerns of all kinds.  It warns ” inappropriate comments or jokes when someone is sharing their health issues are not good”.   It is a very safe place to discuss your senior healthcare concerns, questions, and advice.

Some topics the communities discuss are:

  • What to do for easy bruising skin?
  • Exercises to restore strength and coordination
  • Fear of dementia
  • Trips and falls

Aging Care – Senior Health Discussions 

AgingCare helps families find answers, care and information on eldercare.

The website provids helpful, actionable and insightful articles, ebooks, checklists, legal forms, and guides produced and written by professional writers and elder care experts.  The most important part of the site is dedicated to its community forums.

Some topics are:

  • I would like to age in place (in my home), how do I prepare?
  • My doctors are beginning to retire, what should I do?
  • Is he my husband or is he my child?
  • Caregivers behaving badly.

If you are looking for some helpful activity for your later years, you would do well to be a major contributor to a couple of these discussion groups.  There are lots of fellow seniors looking for help and comfort from experiences that are part of your everyday senior life.

For more 60s Folks health articles click here.


By Chowning

Richard Chowning was a teenager during the 60s. Being a Southern California resident during those years, he experienced many of the events and trends that distinguished those times.

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