road trips with friends

(updated January, 2021)

Just like back in the 1960s, get the gang together and hit the road.  Guest blogger Kristy Ramirez details 6 reasons for going on road trips with friends.  They give you some outstanding, persuasive arguments to get your friends to join you on a road trip.

Wide open spaces, new sights and daring experiences are not just reserved for the very young. Are you a mature, adventurous individual just itching to hit the open highways? Then you are not alone. Many reports around the globe show that people between the ages of 35 to 75 are eager, experienced travelers who are getting out and about like never before.

Since they are at their peak in earning years, they have the resources to do so. Commonly, mature travelers prefer to travel in groups. If you are having trouble convincing a friend or relative join you on a great road trip adventure, read on for some suggestions that may help.

6 Reasons to Take Road Trips With Friends

Save money

A road trip can save tons of money for travelers; especially people traveling in groups. In fact, four people can travel by car for about the same price as one passenger can take a plane ride to the same destination. Divided among two or more people, the cost of a rental car is inexpensive.

The same goes for gasoline, lodging and even food. Overwhelming numbers of travelers take advantage of the savings road trips can bring during holiday seasons, when other forms of transportation are at peak prices.

A road trip, planned carefully, can save all travelers quite a bit of cash; which can be used for expenses or other travel plans.

Of course, the expenses depend on which places to road trip with friends.

Feel Younger

As the saying goes, age is nothing but a number. As we all know, we have no control over the number of years that seem to fly by. However, there are things that we can control while we still have good health. Travel is one way to get a sense the excitement of trying something new. Road trips with friends conjures up memories of younger years.

Nothing screams youth like packing up a bag, throwing it in the trunk of a car, putting in that favorite music and hitting the road. Remind your reluctant friend that a change of pace and a different location will put that spark back into an otherwise monotonous routine. And if they still seem unconvinced, remind them about the great places to eat that can be discovered on a road trip.

road trips with friends

Escape the Rat Race

Nothing says decadence like throwing watches, clocks and caution to the wind. A leisurely road trip is the perfect solution for harried workers who spend each day racing the clock to complete work, tasks and family obligations. A peaceful road trips with friends offers a feeling that time doesn’t matter.

With travelers taking turns driving, fellow passengers can enjoy catching up on that great novel, great conversation or types of activities that they felt were to selfish to engage in back home due to other responsibilities. Often worn out from the stresses of everyday life, a lot of passengers use the time to catch up on much needed rest and arrive at their destinations relaxed and ready to have a good time.


Part of the excitement of a road trip is the entertainment value of the excursion. At any given moment some unexpected sight can be seen just outside your car windows. Car enthusiasts have a grand old time keeping an eye out for their favorite rides like classic cars or fabulous campers and other recreational vehicles. Some of the funniest and oddest vehicles, people and pets are spotted along the highways and byways during road trips.

Anyone who has traveled on road trips with friends has experienced that breathtaking feeling when an exquisite landscape or other natural beauty comes into clear view so close you can touch it if you are standing still. And a road trip, unlike an airplane ride, allows you to stop and explore attractions and other sights while en route to your destination.

Meet New People

One way to convince your friends to join you on the road is entice them with the prospect of meeting new and exciting people from different areas. Millions of people have made a stop at a visitor center along their route and ended up meeting lifelong friends with a compatible interest in traveling.

A stop for a quick lunch can lead to a conversation with some of the most interesting people you have ever met. Road travelers, in most instances, share camaraderie of sorts as they go from city to city. They can be the friendliest, most helpful and interesting people who are very willing to help fellow travelers if they are in trouble. No one can have too many friends, and knowing people from different areas can come in very handy.

Road Trips With Friends Takes on Bucket Lists

Remind your friends that they may be missing out on an opportunity of adventure, fun and companionship. Involve your friend in planning the road trip. Ask them to choose a location they have always wanted to see. Even if this is not the destination, perhaps it is along the route so that you and your friend can experience it together.

Lastly, give your time friend to decide whether they want to come along for the ride. Most likely, providing them space will give them time to decide to join you. No one wants to look up when they are too elderly or sick to travel and ponder what they may have missed.

Make arrangements now to take road trips with friends.

Kristy is a road trip fanatic and freelance travel writer for Drive My Car Rentals. Whether you’re seeking caravans for hire in Darwin or luxury Brisbane car rentals, have a huge range on offer right around Australia.



By Chowning

Richard Chowning was a teenager during the 60s. Being a Southern California resident during those years, he experienced many of the events and trends that distinguished those times.